Pacthesis Retrospective

Photo on 9-8-14 at 11.56 AM

If you haven’t heard of Pacthesis, allow me to enlighten you. She has a account on She can be found here. She creates art and video games. Her video games are mostly Sim dates. They are also really good.

In this part, I will talk about her sim dates:

  •  Anime Date series.




I’m grouping these three together because they’re very similar. An Interesting thing to note is that Anime Sim Dat 1.0 is the only game in Pacthesis’s sim date series in which you play a guy trying to form a relationship with a girl. In the other games it’s the opposite.

Looking back, they aren’t the best of the series, but they’re not bad. The writing’s kinda stiff, and it’s well, sorta dull. The art is obviously done in Flash.

However, in these three games alone you can see improvement. In 2.5, the boys start to have more of a personalty, and there are more endings.

  •  Festival Days
Used my computer to take a screenshot

Used my computer to take a screenshot

This game has many firsts. It was the first game to be titled “Something Days”, which became the standard theme of the names from this sim date on.

Secondly, It was the first game that truly had a story. While Anime Sim Date 2.5 took strides to do this, Festival Days has multiple story lines. Other characters are introduced, and it wasn’t just about trying to get into a relationship.

Finally, the art is much improved. It’s clearly still one of her earlier works, but it’s visually appealing.

  • Wonderland Days
Pacthesis. Wonderland Days Promo Poster. Digital Image. Deviantart. Deviantart. June 1, 2013. Web. 30 Oct 2014.

Pacthesis. Wonderland Days Promo Poster. Digital Image. Deviantart. Deviantart. Web. 30 Oct 2014.

Ah, Wonderland Days. This was the first game of Pacthesis’ that I played. I have fond memories of this game. This is still one of my favorite games created by her.

This game is perfect for a new player. It’s the first game that has different dialogue for your choices, instead of having everyone say the same dialogue for when you say the right thing or not. The art is wonderful. There is proper shading, and everything looks more professional.

I also love the music used, even though it’s stock music.

Pacthesis also photoshopped the image below. I’d totally buy these if they were real.

Wonderland Days figures. Digital Image. Deviantart. Deviantart. Web. 30 Oct 2014.

Pacthesis. Wonderland Days figures. Digital Image. Deviantart. Deviantart. Web. 30 Oct 2014.

  • Idol Days

Pacthesis. Idol Days Promo Poster. Digital Image. Deviantart. Deviantart. Web. 30 Oct 2014.

This one I do like, but it’s not one of my favorites. The characters are nice. The music theme works. It plays pretty similar to Wonderland Days, but you have to also work on your music playing.

One thing I liked was how the main character had a lot of personality. In the previous games, the main character was a little bland. In this game, however, she expresses a lot of her personality.

I also liked how this game lacks a true bad ending. There are good endings, mind you, but just because you somehow don’t hook up with one of the boys doesn’t mean you fail at the game.

  • Kingdom Days
Pacthesis. Kingdom Days Promo Poster. Digital Image. Deviantart. Deviantart. Web. 30 Oct 2014.

Pacthesis. Kingdom Days Promo Poster. Digital Image. Deviantart. Deviantart. Web. 30 Oct 2014.

I’ll be frank. Kingdom Days is my least favorite of the series. It’s not bad. I’ve grown to like the game more with time.

This being my least favorite game might be the bad first experience I had with it. When I first played the game, I felt confused. One example was the magic system. It was clunky, and poorly made. I also felt that the story was a bit, confusing. I could clearly tell she was experimenting with the format, but some of the ideas don’t work.

To be fair, the characters are nice, but the only one who stood out for me was Ferris.

  • Chrono Days
Pacthesis. Chrono Days Promo Poster. Digital Image. Deviantart. Deviantart. Web. 30 Oct 2014.

Pacthesis. Chrono Days Promo Poster. Digital Image. Deviantart. Deviantart. Web. 30 Oct 2014.

For a long time, this was my favorite. It’s not anymore, but it’s still held in high regard.

This is where Pacthesis really hits her stride. Every character is written well. For the first time, cutscenes are played, which is a treat. It’s also cool to see the main character on screen during gameplay, instead of rare occasions. This is also the first game in which there is a female love interest. It’s really cool.

If I have one complaint, it’s the endings. In this game, if you don’t get enough relationship with someone, you get no ending. You’re just told to play the game again and do better. It feels kinda cheap not to have a bad ending.

  • Lunar Days


Pacthesis. Lunar Days Sim Date Promo Poster. Digital Image. Deviantart. Deviantart. Web. 30 Oct 2014.

Pacthesis. Lunar Days Sim Date Promo Poster. Digital Image. Deviantart. Deviantart. Web. 30 Oct 2014.

This feels like what Kingdom Days should have been. For the first time, the stories are intertwined. Instead of briefly cameoing  in other story lines, several characters stories are intertwined.

The setting and story are all fascinating. It’s one of the more complex ones, though it does have this scene….

DOWN THE HATCH! Taken while I was playing the game.

Taken while I was playing the game.

The characters are really well written, and I ended up playing the game multiple times to see what each path had to offer.

  • Memory Days
Pacthesis. Memory Days Sim Date Promo Poster. Digital Image. Deviantart. Deviantart. Web. 30 Oct 2014.

Pacthesis. Memory Days Sim Date Promo Poster. Digital Image. Deviantart. Deviantart. Web. 30 Oct 2014.

This game is unique. It’s a remake of the Anime Sim Dates. It surpasses them easily. The art is beautiful, the characters are fantastic, and the game is very nice.

It definitely expands on the originals. There is much more chemistry between the characters. It also helps that the main character is much more well developed than in the original.

The game is also formatted very nice, taking place over the course of a school year

  • Number Days
Pacthesis. Number Days Promo Poster. Digital Image. Deviantart. Deviantart. Web. 30 Oct 2014.

Pacthesis. Number Days Promo Poster. Digital Image. Deviantart. Deviantart. Web. 30 Oct 2014.

This, without a doubt, is now my favorite of her games. The charters are perfect, the story is written wonderfully, and I just love it.

Everyone has a place in the story. My favorite ending in the game features every character, and no romance whatsoever!

I also love the chibi look used for most of the game. Yes, some parts use the traditional style, but it mostly looks like this:

(This actually happens in the game) Pacthesis. Oh shiiiiiiiii. Digital Image. Deviantart. Deviantart. Web. 30 Oct 2014.

(This actually happens in the game)
Pacthesis. Oh shiiiiiiiii. Digital Image. Deviantart. Deviantart. Web. 30 Oct 2014.

And It is glorious.

As you can see. I love these games. Unfortunately, Pacthesis is currently on hiatus. Let’s not forget the wonderful games she made, however!


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